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Fossil hominids
Faerman, M., Kharitonov, V., Batsevich, V., Zilberman,
U. and Smith, P. (1994) A Neandertal infant from the
Barakai Cave, Western Caucasus. J. Human Evolution,
27(5): 405-415.
Smith, P., Gomori, J.M., Spitz, S. and Becker, J. (1997)
Model for the examination of evolutionary trends in
tooth development. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 102: 283-294.[pdf]
Haydenblit, R. Podbilewicz, B. and Smith, P. (2000)
Evolution of human enamel growth analyzed by confocal
microscopy. In: Proceedings of the11th International
Symposium on Dental Morphology, eds. J. Mayhall and T.
Heikkinen, Finland, Oulu University Press, pp.228-235.
Smith, P., Gomori, J.M., Shaked, R., Haydenblit, R. and
Joskowicz, L. (2000) A computerized approach to
reconstruction of growth patterns in hominid molar
teeth. In: Proceedings of the 11th International
Symposium on Dental Morphology, eds. J. Mayhall and T.
Heikkinen, Finland, Oulu University Press, pp. 388-397.
Zilberman, U., Smith, P., Piperno, M. and Condemi, S.
(2004). Evidence of amelogenesis imperfecta in an Early
African Homo erectus. J Hum Evol. 46: 647-653

Skeletal Biology
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Dental Anthropology
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Evolution of human enamel growth analyzed by confocal
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Symposium on Dental Morphology, eds. J. Mayhall and T.
Heikkinen, Finland, Oulu University Press, pp.228-235.
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Joskowicz, L. (2000) A computerized approach to
reconstruction of growth patterns in hominid molar
teeth. In: Proceedings of the 11th International
Symposium on Dental Morphology, eds. J. Mayhall and T.
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U. and Smith, P. (1994) A Neandertal infant from the
Barakai Cave, Western Caucasus. J. Human Evolution,
27(5): 405-415.
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(2004) The effect of hereditary disorders on tooth
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Peretz, B. and Smith, P. (2004) Dental morphology and
pathology of Middle Bronze Age populations in Israel:
Sasa and Jebel Qa’aqir. Atiqot 46:45-49.
Zilberman, U., Smith, P., Piperno, M. and Condemi, S.
(2004). Evidence of amelogenesis imperfecta in an Early
African Homo erectus. J Hum Evol. 46: 647-653
Lev Tov N., Smith P. and Gopher A. (2003) Dental
Evidence for Dietary Practices in the Chalcolithic
period: The Findings from a Burial Cave in Peqi’in
(Northern Israel). Paleorient Vol. 29/1: 121-134.
[pdf] Coming soon
Avishai G., Müller R., Gabet Y., Bab I., Zilberman U.,
Smith P. (2004) A New Approach to Quantifying
Developmental Variation in the Dentition Using Serial
Microtomographic Imaging, Microscopy Research and
Technique 65:263-269.

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archaeological site of Akhziv, Israel. Nature Genetic,
9: 365-368.[pdf]
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Faerman, M., Jankauskas, R. (2000). Palaeopathological
and molecular evidence of human bone tuberculosis in
Iron Age Lithuania. Anthropologischen Anzeiger 58 (3):

DNA analysis
a) Ancient DNA
Filon, D., Faerman, M., Smith, P. and Oppenheim, A.
(1995) Sequence analysis reveals a beta-thalassemia
mutation in the DNA of skeletal remains from the
archaeological site of Akhziv, Israel. Nature Genetic,
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28: 555-559.

b) Modern DNA
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